At Paediatric Dental Care we believe that a child’s first dental experiences are crucial in setting them on the road to a lifetime of dental health. Our goal is to create Smiles for Life.
We aim to provide the highest quality dental care to children of all abilities and cultural backgrounds. This care is provided in an environment that is grounded in empathy and compassion. We respect each child's right to autonomy and work passionately with our patients to help them feel confident and comfortable at the the dentist and, when they are ready to graduate Paediatric Dental Care, they understand the importance of maintaining their dental health for the rest of their lives.

Dr Hannah Polley
BDS, DClinDent(Paed), MRACDS (Paed), MRACDS (PDS)
Dr Hannah Polley graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery from the University of Adelaide in 2009. Following graduation, she worked in the private and public sector in outer metropolitan Adelaide before completing her specialist training, Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (Paediatrics), in 2015 at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital and University of Adelaide. Dr Hannah is a Member of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons in the Specialist Dental Practice discipline of Paediatric Dentistry.
In addition to working at Paediatric Dental Care, Dr Hannah is the President of the SA Branch of the Australia and New Zealand Society of Paediatric Dentistry (ANZSPD) and is an active member of the Australasian Academy of Paediatric Dentistry (AAPD). She also enjoys mentoring a number of dental students and new graduate dentists in the field of Paediatric Dentistry.
Dr Hannah is passionate about providing honest and empathic dental care to children of all ages and abilities.
Dr Hannah loves to read books in her spare time. Dr Hannah has two small children, she has no spare time.

Dr Alice Howarth
BDS, DClinDent(Paed)
Dr Alice Howarth graduated from the University of Otago, New Zealand with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery in 2009. She has worked in New Zealand, New South Wales and the Northern Territory, where she still provides specialist paediatric dental care. Dr Alice completed her specialist training in Paediatric Dentistry at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Adelaide in 2017. Her thesis focused on identifying risk factors for the development of oral mucositis in paediatric oncology patients.
In addition, to working at Paediatric Dental care, Dr Alice works as a staff specialist at the Women's and Children's Hospital in the Paediatric Dental Department.
Dr Alice is engaged in dental volunteering programs, providing care to young Australian children who have difficulty accessing dental care. She has taught at the University of Sydney, James Cook University and the University of Adelaide.
Dr Alice enjoys kite boarding, rock climbing, cycling and running with her dog.

Dr Ninna Yuson
DDM, MS (Paed Dent), FAAPD
Dr Ninna Estrella Yuson is a registered specialist Paediatric Dentist in Australia and is a Diplomate of the American Board of Paediatric Dentistry and a Fellow of the American Academy of Paediatric Dentistry. Dr Ninna graduated with a Doctor of Dental Medicine from the University of the Philippines and finished her specialist paediatric training (Master of Science in Paediatric Dentistry) at the University of Michigan (USA) in 2007.
Dr Ninna has been a staff specialist at the Women's and Children's Hospital since 2012 and is also a Clinical Tutor of Paediatric Dentistry at the University of Adelaide. She is passionate about working with children with special needs and helping children overcome their dental anxiety.
Dr Ninna is a very active member of number of paediatric dental professional organisations, including the American Academy of Paediatric Dentistry, the Australasian Academy of Paediatric Dentistry and the SA Branch of the Australia and New Zealand Society of Paediatric Dentistry.
Dr Ninna's energetic son and little puppy keep her on her toes. She can name 10 Pokemon in 10 seconds!

Dr Nikki Canny (nee Morgan)
BDS, BSciDent(Hons), DClinDent
Dr Nikki Canny graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery from the University of Adelaide in 2016. She has also completed a Bachelor of Science in Dentistry from the University of Adelaide, where she researched oral health related quality of life outcomes for children. Dr Nikki completed her specialist training in Paediatric Dentistry via a hybrid program between the University of Melbourne and the Women's and Children's Hospital. Her research focused on the dental health of children with cleft lip and palate.
In addition to working at Paediatric Dental Care, Dr Nikki is a staff specialist at the Women's and Children Hospital, Department of Paediatric Dentistry. She is also the Secretary of the SA Branch of the Australia and New Zealand Society of Paediatric Dentistry.
Outside of dentistry, Dr Nikki enjoys running and cooking elaborate meals for her family and friends.

Dr Sophie Teager
BDS, BSciDent (Hons)
Dr Sophie Teager graduated her Bachelor of Dental Surgery from the University of Adelaide in 2016. Dr Sophie has also completed a Bachelor of Science in Dentistry researching metopic synostosis, a craniofacial abnormality, in South Australian children. Since graduating, Dr Sophie has enjoyed working full time in metropolitan Adelaide and volunteering in public dental outreach programs and with both the Australian Royal Flying Doctor Service and the Australian Red Cross in the Pacific Islands.
In addition, to working at Paediatric Dental care, Dr Sophie works for the University of Adelaide as a clinic tutor in Paediatric Dentistry and at the Women's and Children's Hospital in the Paediatric Dental Department.
Dr Sophie has conversational Auslan language skills and enjoys any opportunity to learn and practice her signing with her patients. In her spare time, Dr Sophie enjoys playing AFL for her local footy club.

Dr Ngan Nguyen
Dr Ngan graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery at the University of Adelaide in 2017. Since graduating, Dr Ngan has worked in both public and private sectors in regional and metropolitan areas of South Australia. Dr Ngan enjoyed her time working at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital Dental Department and is passionate about working with children and their families to provide holistic dental care.
In her spare time, you’ll find Dr Ngan cooking up a storm and spending time with friends and family.

Dr Emma Branson
BDS, BSciDent (Hons), DClinDent
Dr Emma Branson graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery for the University of Adelaide in 2016. Since graduating, Dr Emma has worked in private practice in metropolitan and country South Australia and in the public sector in New South Wales. Dr Emma completed her speciality training in Paediatric Dentistry at the University of Melbourne.
Dr Emma is continuing her research into patients with cleft lip at palate in Melbourne but will be joining the team at Paediatric Dental Care for special clinics.

Dr Jenny Branson
BDS, MDS(Paed)
Dr Jenny recently retired from clinical dentistry. She leaves a treasured legacy in paediatric dentistry in our practice and within the broader dental community.